The Moroccan Embassy in Washington D.C and the Fondation Hassan II pour les Marocains Résidant a l'Etranger will select 10 Moroccan children from the USA to participate in its Annual Summer Cultural Program in Morocco along 1,000 other Moroccan children coming from all over the world.
This year's summer program will be held from 17th to 30th of July, 2009, at the Moulay Rachid Complex for Children and Youth in Bouznika, a coastal city between Rabat and Casablanca.
Participants will receive free round trip tickets from New York to Casablanca and will be granted free accommodation and meals during their entire stay. A member of the Embassy will accompany them. However, parents are responsible to bring their children to JFK airport in New York and to pick them up upon their return.
Candidates need to satisfy the following conditions:
1. Be not less than 9 years old by July 2, 2009, and not above 13 years of age by August 14,2009.
2. Achieve a minimum of B average during the current academic year.
3. Be physically fit to participate.
4. Be healthy and free of any communicable or mental diseases.
Candidates need to fill out and prepare the following documents:
1. Download Application forms (2 Forms)
2. Latest school report card
3. Four pictures
The procedure for selecting participants will be:
1. Submit the documents by June 16, 2009 to : The documents above must be received at Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco, 1211 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 312 Washington D.C. 20036. The Embassy Site
2. On June 19, 2009, at 4.00 P.M a drawing will take place at the Moroccan Embassy in presence of his Excellency the Ambassador to determine the 10 lucky Winners.
Please note that the only candidates satisfying the conditions above will be included in the drawing. Parents of the winners will be notified immediately afterwards, and more details will be sent to them about the logistics of the trip.
The names of the winners will also be posted on the Morocco American Community Center site
For questions and inquiries, please send an email to: or call 202-457-0012 (ext-10) 202-615-0699