Moroccan American Coalition Board & Presidency Resignation Public Statement
Following my internal memo to the MAC board dated May 24, 2009; I am publicly announcing my resignation from my position as President and Board Member of the Moroccan American Coalition.
The details of my decision were communicated in the internal memo and in this public statement, I will frame the key issue in the most succinct way to provide a smooth transition to the remaining MAC temporary board. It is my hope that the community will accept my decision with open mind and support my future endeavors.
On August 23, 2008 I was elected President of MAC by a representative committee of associations across the United States. With an executive team of 3 Vice Presidents, a General Secretary and a Treasurer, we set to build the foundation for the Moroccan American Coalition and serve the community in the USA. Filled with passion, and equipped with 18 years of fortune 1000 experience and non for profits organizations, I was determined to work with a group of 23 people across 13 states.
Advocating during several local events in the USA and Morocco, I set the name of MAC high and convinced the stake holders that we had a unique young organization that will work hard to deliver the mission of connecting Moroccans across the country. And while MAC’s Presidency was a large responsibility, I still had other commitments to the the Moroccan community that
Required my attention; And this was the wedge that came between me and the Moroccan American Coalition board.
Realizing that there was an unspoken "policy" that required me to ask for the board's approval/consent to pursue community grass roots and advocacy initiatives relevant to my believe and those of organizations I have founded and with potential bias that will hinder my ability to serve those that needed my voice, I had to act.
When I say biased, I truly believe that any board member can challenge any activity based on their affiliation, loyalties, sponsorship or personal relationships. To be candid, my open letter to his Majesty and community survey about Royal Air Maroc was the defining moment of this situation with MAC. What some of the board members found to be a conflict and unfounded work that they did not approve, as President and board member of the Moroccan American Coalition, I strongly believe that the Royal Air Maroc pricing and service quality is a major issue for the community.
I hope that none of you will disagree that the ability to visit Morocco often and in comfort only strengthens the communities' links to the homeland. In fact, those are the very same links MAC was charged to strengthen. It does not required extensive research to conclude that Royal Air Maroc’s service and pricing is diluting the effort the Moroccan government led by his Majesty King Mohammed VI to attract investments from Moroccan’s residing overseas.
This is not to say that those from the MAC’s board who do not feel comfortable with my open letter to the his majesty and the community survey are wrong, not at all. And though as clear as their point of view seems to them, so does mine to myself and to a large part of the community who now supports me; And it is more than fair to say that based on the current board guidelines or lack there of, the MAC board was more right or wrong than I am. A fare debate around governance and process issues that should be addressed after my departure.
And so unfortunately, the only way to rid the board of the confrontations and pressures generated by my grass roots community work and would continue to be generated by my advocacy for the community, tending my resignation. It is the right thing to do both from a fiduciary and moral aspect.
With my resignation from MAC, my family, colleagues, the Moroccan American Community Center and the SOS Morocco team are extremely happy to get back my full dedication and I'm happy to be able to focus on other important projects for the community without conflicts of interested as a result of my affiliation to the Moroccan American Coalition board.
Last, with my resignation, several board members and all the executive team, the 3 Vice Presidents, the General Secretary and the Treasurer, I wish the remaining 13 members representing the now temporary board an "orderly transition".
You have all of our support and we hold you to the highest standards of ethics bestowed on you by many community supporters, sponsors and public officials.
The Moroccan American Coalition’s vision stands and should not be abandoned.
Driss R. Temsamani
USA: 786.301.3915
MOR: 0664171057
After My Resignation, this is what the MAC Board looks like
Pasted Graphic
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